*SOLD: King George 3 bedroom
- 3.0
- 6
- 1.5
- 101 sq. m.
- 3 & Elevator (not Shabbos)
This apartment is currently being used as an attorneys office. It comes with 3 proper bedrooms & 2 half rooms. It comes with two enclosed balconies which enlarges 101 SQM interior space. The apartment is located on King George street 16 right across from the Ben Yehuda Alley. The property also has option to park in the underground parking by membership for a fee. Some renovations certainly need to be done, like constructing a proper kitchen, and full bathrooms. For the attractive price it’s really a great opportunity to own your home in Jersualem.
Hear from many of our happy tenants who have stayed in this apartment! References are available to call or email! Please contact us for details.
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